The Goldman Testing Center

The Goldman Testing Center is exclusively for Tulane University students with approved accommodations through the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility. The Goldman Testing Center is the primary point of service for accommodated testing on the uptown campus, such as extended time and a distraction reduced environment.


email: | p: (504) 862-8431

Note: Email is the best way to communicate with the Goldman Testing Center.

Hours of Operation: 

Standard office hours (Monday-Friday from 8:30AM to 5PM Central) are observed when possible. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the Goldman Testing Center operates Monday-Thursday from 8AM-9PM as needed for scheduled exams, and on Fridays from 8AM-5PM. 

The Goldman Testing Center is located on the basement floor of the Howard Tilton Memorial Library in Suite B30, across from the Goldman Center administrative offices. 

Accommodations are managed by the student and Goldman Center staff through the Goldman Testing Center. Students should activate their accommodations for the semester and schedule all of their exams requiring accommodations (time, environment, format, etc.) with the Goldman Testing Center through the Portal as soon as possible, but no later than FOUR BUSINESS DAYS in advance of the exam.  The business day closes at 5:00PM and excludes weekends.

Scheduling Deadlines:

Monday ... schedule by 5PM on PRIOR TUESDAY

Tuesday ... schedule by 5PM on PRIOR WEDNESDAY

Wednesday ... schedule by 5PM on PRIOR THURSDAY 

Thursday ... schedule by 5PM on PRIOR FRIDAY

Friday ... schedule by 5PM on PRIOR MONDAY


Missed Your Exam Deadline?

In order to be considered for an exemption to the 4-business day deadline, you MUST:

(1) Schedule every quiz, test, and final exam in your Goldman Center Portal that you intend to use your testing accommodations for. Schedule for every course you intended to use accommodations for, not just for the course you missed the exam deadline in.

(2) AFTER you have scheduled every quiz, test, and final exam you need accommodations for, email the details of your missed exam.

We are unable to schedule exam exemptions via phone; emailing is the best and most direct way of requesting assistance for your exams. 

Student Portal Login

Professor Portal Login

Policies and Procedures

The Goldman Testing Center is comprised of carrel-style desks monitored by a series of overhead cameras for privacy and security. These cameras are watched live from our Testing Office, and footage is saved for several weeks in case review is necessary after the fact. Additionally, Goldman Center staff regularly circulate in the testing rooms to ensure the integrity of the testing process.  

Testing accommodations are delivered through a coordination between student, professor, and the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility. The Goldman Testing Center exists as a service to both students and professors; as such, we abide by the instructions set by the professors for each exam.


Goldman Testing Center Guidelines:

  • Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled start time and check in the Goldman Testing Coordinator.
  • At the exam start time, you must begin the exam. Studying in the Goldman Center waiting area instead of taking the exam is not allowed.
  • Only drinks with lids are permitted in the Testing Center; food is not allowed.
  • If you are unclear about exam instructions or conditions, seek assistance from a Goldman Center staff member. The staff member will attempt to contact your professor or have you write the question on the exam itself to turn in with your exam.
  • You are not permitted to leave the Goldman Testing Center area once you have begun your exam (exceptions for bathroom breaks).
  • You are responsible for providing your personal exam materials (pencils, calculators, etc.); scrap paper will be provided.
  • If a Goldman Center staff member has evidence that a student is currently impaired due to drugs or alcohol, the student will not be allowed to test in the Center. 


Late Arrivals

  • If you are more than 10 minutes late, but less than 30 minutes late, you will begin losing testing time.
  • If you are more than 30 minutes late for an exam, you will not be allowed to test. You are responsible for coordinating a make-up exam with your professor. You must obtain written permission from your professor in order to reschedule your exam in the Goldman Testing Center. 


No Show and Cancellation

If for any reason you have decided not to take your exam at the Goldman Testing Center, you are responsible for notifying our office to ensure that we have space for other students to test. This includes withdrawing from a course. You can cancel your exam request online through your Goldman Center Portal or email to cancel your exam.


Rescheduling an Exam

If you cannot take an exam at the scheduled time (due to illness, scheduling conflicts, etc.), you must obtain written permission (ie, email) from your professor in order to reschedule your exam in the Goldman Testing Center.

The Goldman Center has no authority to excuse students from taking an exam. Scheduling or rescheduling of exams has to be done with explicit instruction from the professor.

If the professor reschedules an exam date for the class, the professor must notify the Goldman Center in writing, by email, or in person to reschedule the exam.  


Academic Misconduct Policy


  • Cheating is neither tolerated nor permitted in the Testing Center.
  • Any student suspected of cheating may be questioned by Goldman Center staff.
  • Any suspected evidence of cheating will be confiscated, documented, and handed in with your exam.
  • Your professor and the NTC Honor Board will be notified of the suspected Code of Academic Conduct violation with evidence and a written narrative of the suspected violation witnessed by our staff. 
  • While testing, Goldman Center staff have the right to enter the Testing Center and circulate during your exam.

Frequently Asked Questions


To use your accommodations, log on to our portal at, and activate them. After you have done so, an official notification e-mail will be sent to your professors, informing them about your accommodations. You should then reach out to each of your professors to find out how they plan to handle testing. Some professors may provide accommodations themselves. Many will ask you to take your tests in the Goldman Testing Center. If they do, you will need to log in to our portal again and schedule your tests.  Please remember that this must be done at least 4 days before the day of the test.  If you do not remember how to activate your accommodations or how to schedule tests, please review these video tutorials: 

How to Activate Your Accommodations 

How to Schedule Accommodated Exams at the Goldman Center

All tests, exams, mid-terms, and quizzes must be scheduled at least 4 business days beforehand.  For example, if you have an exam on a Monday, you must schedule it by 5:00 PM on the previous Tuesday. 

If you miss the scheduling deadline, you will not be able to schedule your test through our portal.  In this case, please send an e-mail to as soon as possible. We may be able to make an exception and add you to the schedule - however, this is not guaranteed. Before an exception is made, we will also ask you to schedule all your remaining tests for the semester, in order to make sure that the deadline is not missed again. 

No. If you are not able to schedule the exam for the day that it is supposed to take place, please do NOT schedule it for another day. In this case, you have likely missed the 4-business-day deadline for scheduling. In this case, please send an e-mail to as soon as possible. We may be able to make an exception and add you to the schedule - however, this is not guaranteed. Before an exception is made, we will also ask you to schedule all your remaining tests for the semester, to make sure that the deadline is not missed again. 

Some online tests are still proctored in the classroom.  If this is the case, please schedule the test through our portal.  If the class is allowed to take the test from anywhere (they are not required to be in the classroom) then you do not need to schedule the exam with the Goldman Center.  Remember, scheduling exams through our portal is only necessary if they need to be proctored in-person. 

As soon as you start a Canvas exam, you should check to make sure your extended time has been applied to the timer. If it has not, do not wait! Contact both your professor and the Goldman Testing Center staff ( immediately, so that your time can be corrected. 

No, whether you use your accommodations is entirely up to you. If you decide that you would rather not use them, then simply report to class, and take the test/quiz with your professor. 

When you activate your accommodations, your professors will be sent an official notification e-mail. However, we recommend that you also contact your professors directly to discuss how your accommodations will be implemented.

There is nothing for you to do in this case. It is your professors’ responsibility to submit the Testing Contract to us, and we will remind them.  This will not affect your ability to schedule and take tests at the Goldman Center.

You will never be asked to miss part of a class to make use of your extended time on a test/quiz. If you have another class immediately after the one in which you are taking a test, please schedule your test to start early and end at the same time as the class. If you have other classes both before and after the one in which you are taking the test, you will need to schedule the test for another time in the day. In this case, please schedule the test for as close as possible to when the rest of the class is taking it (without running into another class.) 

You may schedule the test for the day/time that your professor is allowing. However, please have the professor e-mail us confirming their permission for the alternate day/time. We will not approve the request until this is received.

Please follow your professor’s instructions, unless you have a specific reason why you feel that they are not meeting your accommodation needs. In this case, please contact the Goldman Center and speak with a member of our staff as soon as possible. 

Testing Concerns and More

If you took an exam and did not receive your accommodations, contact the Goldman Center as soon as possible to discuss the matter with a member of our team:

TIP: If your extended time has not been applied to your Canvas exam, contact your professor and the Goldman Testing Center ( as soon as possible. Do not begin a timed exam without your extended time applied. 

Not feeling well on the day of your exam? Contact your professor via email and copy to coordinate rescheduling your exam. While we understand that life happens and your health conditions may flare, the Goldman Testing Center has no authority to excuse you from a scheduled exam without your professor's explicit permision. 

INFO 1010 Exam Accommodations

Your professor will have provided detailed instructions on how to apply for accommodations with Certiport.  You will need a letter from the Goldman Center to do this – please e-mail us at to request your letter.  

Non-Tulane Exam Accommodations

Need accommodations on a standardized exam? Email to request your letter for accommodation verification for exams like the GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT, etc. 

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer proctoring services for non-Tulane exams such as the LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, etc. 


Case Management

The Goldman Testing Center is for the exclusive use of students who are approved for testing accommodations by the Goldman Center in accordance with the ADA. Students who are not approved for Goldman Center accommodations should contact Case Management for support with short-term accommodations, including scheduling conflicts and temporary concerns like broken bones impacting academic performance.