Faculty are some of our biggest allies in creating and accessible learning environment to foster a sense of inclusion for students with disabilities at Tulane University. Accommodations from the Goldman Center are the bare minimum for equitable access; the culture of learning that instructors create through the course syllabus, communication routes, office hours, and classroom practices help further our scholastic community which values equity, diversity, inclusion, and access.

Take advise form the experts, our Goldman Center students!

Student Testimony

As a Goldman center student, what are some of the ways that your professors have helped you feel included and welcome in the classroom? 

"In my experience, a major issue I have with my physical disability in the college setting is attendance. Some professors have strict attendance requirements, and while attending class is my priority as a motivated student, it is not possible to be perfect. Professors who allow open communication and who work directly with me are a welcome relief, as it helps me to know that I have someone who supports me academically on my best days and on my worst."

-Lorenzo, junior, Communications major with Political Science and SLAM minor 

"At Tulane, my professors have been very responsive and make sure to consider my experience in the classroom as someone with hearing loss. They try to understand what I need and have been able to make adjustments such as using microphones, making sure there are captions on content that is assigned, and many more things. I appreciate their overall easygoing, aware, and supportive approach when I come to them with these needs. Overall, the biggest thing that my professors have done is taken it upon themselves to create a classroom environment where all students can feel comfortable coming to them and working with them."

-Sophie, sophomore, Design and Communications Majors with Economics Minor

"A major challenge I face is when a professor uses a cold call method of teaching where he/she calls on a student to answer a question they have not been able to prepare an answer for. My anxiety would kick in and then I am unable to utilize the skills I have learned to try to recall information.  Professors have been quick to understand this major challenge and forego calling on me if I have not volunteered to answer a question. Professors understand that I learn material differently than my other classmates and that I may know the information, but cold calling will not demonstrate this knowledge. It is important to know, however, that I make it a point at the start of every course to introduce myself to all professors and explain my combined disabilities so that they can fully understand how best to test my knowledge of the subject area." 

-Maya, junior, Exercise Science Major

“I love when professors initiate conversations about possible accommodations without prompting from me. Granted, this isn’t something that can happen immediately in every class. It’s something I lay the groundwork for by being as transparent about my disability as possible from the beginning. But I think even after getting to know me, some professors are still hesitant to start that dialogue where they can ask questions about my disability or offer something that might be helpful to me. I want them to know that I welcome these conversations, because they are an opportunity for me to feel seen.”

-Lauren, freshman, undeclared

Looking for more? Check out the Instructional Accessibility Network and join your peers in creating a more accessible Tulane!