Student Resources & Supports
As a student with a disability, you may need more than an approved accommodation to find success at Tulane. Goldman Center students are encouraged to reach out to resources across campus for social, academic, and personal success at Tulane University.
Goldman Center Resources
Learning Specialist
The Goldman Center Learning Specialist works exclusively with Goldman Center students for learning skills and strategies, organizational help, time management, and general skills for college students in notetaking, studying, and test-taking. To request a consultation with the Learning Specialist, email or call (504)-862-8433.
Goldman Center Student Support Programming
Student Ambassador Peer Mentor Program
The Goldman Center offers a peer mentor program for freshman to meet 1:1 with a Goldman Center student who has successfully navigated Tulane with accommodations. This Peer Mentor program is designed to help students with their transition to college and the Tulane living and learning environment.
Additionally, our Ambassadors serve as advocates for students with disabilities on Tulane's campus, promoting a culture of inclusion and success for our students.
For questions on how to get connected to a peer ambassador for mentorship or programming support, please email
Goldman Center Social Schedule
January 10, 1-4PM: Spring Scholar/Transfer Student Open House
January 24. 11-2PM: Semester Prep Party
February 14: Sex Week at the Goldman Center Table Event
February 28: TBD
March 14: TBD
March 28: TBD
April 25: Final Exam Scheduling Shindig
No registration is required to participate in this programming.
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